Personal Coaching
Personal Coaching Program: F.A.C.E. Your Future!
6-Weeks To An Incredible New Future – On Your Own Terms!
The F.A.C.E. Your Future philosophy is for anyone who has ever told themselves – “I just can’t Do this anymore. Now what?” By taking a deep, introspective look at the mistakes and triumphs of your past, Pat will help you figure out how to chart your best future by investing properly in services like In this intensive 6-week program, you’ll learn:
- How to Focus on those things that have the best potential for helping you live your best life
- How to Acknowledge and even embrace your weaknesses and celebrate your strengths
- How to Clarify your goals and develop a realistic plan for how you achieve them
- How to Execute your plan, by planning for failure, learning from failure, and preparing for success!
Most importantly – you’ll learn the difference between the goals you have for yourself and the goals others have for you!
For more information on Pat’s personal coaching program, email us at, or call our office at 678.395.5874.